The Legacy Responds at The Farms


Dear Friend of the Legacy,

When the exceedingly difficult decision was made to replace our traditional dinner/golf tournament with a special event this year due to Covid, we were not exactly sure how our Legacy family would respond…but we knew you would. You realized that our beneficiaries (Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, Pro Kids, Boys to Men, Meals on Wheels, Challenged Athletes, Pedal the Cause, Fisher Children’s Center – Armed Forces YMCA, American Cancer Society, Computers2KidsSD, TERI and Voices for Children) were facing formidable challenges that threatened their very existence…but WOW! we were blown away by the depth of your generosity!

On September 21, 2020 The Legacy Responded in a HUGE way and with a field full of young and, ahem, more mature golfers, including Pro Kids scholars, Navy SEALS and Charger legends, we safely came together to celebrate friendship and love for our community. Through your amazing generosity we will be giving away more than $300,000 to those who need it the most!!

We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to The Farms who graciously agreed to provide the course at no cost and did a spectacular job hosting us, as well as The Legacy Executive Committee, who underwrote all remaining expenses so that 100% of all monies raised could go directly to the charities.

Thank you, thank you, for responding above and beyond what we even thought was possible. We are very much looking forward to celebrating our twentieth anniversary in person next September!

With much appreciation,

P.S. Whether you were with us in September 2020 in person or in spirit we hope you will enjoy the video above commemorating the day and celebrating our impact on the community we love!